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The Divine Comedy Movies


 Divine Comedy Movie Home Page
 L'Inferno Movie - The first Italian production ever
 Divine Comedy Scripts
 Dino Di Durante Blog
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 Divine Comedy Movie Screenwriter Contact Information
 Divine Comedy Movie Group
 Divine Comedy Illustrations
 Divine Comedy Links
 Divine Comedy Movies
 Divine Comedy Music
 Divine Comedy Souvenirs

Websites to Consider

There are many websites devoted to The Divine Comedy and Dante Alighieri's himself. However, the ones listed below stand out from the rest of the them. This is not an endorsment of any kind but a simple reference for this website visitors.

The following website has extended listing of Dante's works translated into English. Click on its title below:

This website offers several of Dante's works as well as other poets. All in Italian:

The Divine Comedy Caffe is a quite an interesting idea. If you live close to any of their locations, it is a must visit:

Become a Supporter of Florence's Museum "Casa di Dante Alighieri":

Suggestions for other good websites related to The Divine Comedy are welcome. Please visit our contact page to give your opinions.

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